Reiki is a Japanese energetic wellness technique, often involving gentle touch but can also be delivered with hands hovering over the body and also via distance. It is natural, non-invasive and promotes feelings of relaxation, improved energy levels, emotional balance and more restorative sleep.

Caroline has practiced both Usui Reiki and Kundalini Reiki, to Master Practitioner level, and works intuitively with the energy of the recipient to enhance well-being and support the body’s own innate healing mechanisms.

Book your personalised distance session here

Book your in-clinic session here

AND, enjoy WEEKLY Group Energy Healing – just $11AUD/Month

Be part of a global collective of people, receiving a renewing burst of healing energy each and every Sunday evening at 9pm AEST. Join here to receive 4-5 sessions each month for the one tiny monthly payment of $11AUD!

You don’t need to be laying down for this, but you can choose to do so.
Either way, you’ll still receive the benefits of loving support and added momentum in implementing whatever changes you choose to create in your life.