Welcome to Thriving Possibilities
Less stress - More ease... Clearing the mental, emotional and energetic clutter so you can enjoy life on your terms!
What if moving from just surviving to actually thriving was easy? Guess what! It CAN be! Thriving Possibilities was created after years of me using these dynamic energy techniques at a personal level to create more ease in my career, body, relationships and day to day life. I went from burned out and barely functioning to being the joyful conscious creator of my life! Whether you have an amazing life and wish to tweak it that bit more, or are feeling stuck, anxious, frustrated, frazzled and desiring to create something totally different, just one hour may be all it takes to start opening up a space for something even more wonderful to show up. Will you give yourself an hour or so to find out?About Thriving Possibilities and Caroline Watson
At Thriving Possibilities, I (Caroline Watson) offer personally tailored wellness and energy healing sessions drawing from over 10 years of experience, and a vast array of modalities including Access Bars, Body Processes and Energetic Facelift, Reiki, Pellowah, Aromatouch Technique, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Intuitive Relaxation Massage, Chakra-tune Sound Balancing, Australian Bush Flower Essences - and my very own newly developed, light-body activating modality MURJ! Explore the options HERE
I'm based in Victoria Point, Redlands, Queensland AND can also support anyone, anywhere on planet earth, across the quantum field, with distance Reiki and Pellowah sessions, starting from just $11/month to receive weekly. More about Distance Sessions HERE
As a Level 3 Pellowah Practitioner/Teacher, I also regularly facilitate Pellowah Level 1 & 2 classes for those wishing to uplevel their energy healing skills, or for brand new practitioners alike Classes are listed HERE
In the spirit of collaboration and community, (and being human and not working 7 days per week!), I have opened up the space at the White House to support other practitioners to also grow their business and service offerings and offer YOU even more options for wellness. Paulette Holden of Assure Kinesiology offers her body wisdom on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Limited casual availability also exists on some weekends and evenings for other aligned practitioners. Please message to discuss.
Thriving Possibilities is also honoured to be listed in the practitioner directory of a brand new, forward-thinking, multi-disciplinary pain management program.
Click HERE for more information and contact details for all collaborations.

I am committed to ongoing professional development and quality and a Premier Member of the International Institute of Complimentary Therapies.
My constant curiosity and lifelong passion for all living things led me to explore many aspects of our world over the last few decades, including a degree in environmental science and ecology. Following years of mental and physical health challenges, and burnout from a busy life of a uni-student, project manager and mum of 3 in a blended family (and that's only part of it!), I began exploring, and practicing with, the energy that connects and contributes to thriving people AND planet, and have now regained my vibrancy with plenty more to spare and share!
Joyous people contribute to a healthy planet, and I delight in expanding the possibilities for both to thrive.
Are you ready to explore the possibilities and thrive too?
Wellness Sessions We Offer
Access Consciousness – The Bars
Access Bars has assisted thousands of people to change many aspects of their lives. People report better health, ease of sleep, weight loss, better sex and relationships, relief from anxiety, less stress and so much more!

Access Energetic Facelift
A nurturing and rejuvenating suite of nurturing energies. Commonly applied to the face and décolletage to restore vibrancy and a beautiful natural glow.
These energies are actually for the WHOLE body and can also support healing after illness, injury, remover points of view about aging and beauty myths and enhance joy and ease in your life and body.

Pellowah is a hands-off energetic technique that assists in embracing change and expanding awareness. Particularly helpful for bringing clarity and courage when at a cross-road in life.
This beautiful energetic technique can also be sent over distance to bring change wherever you are.

Reiki is a Japanese form of hands on healing involving gentle touch. It is natural, non-invasive and promotes feelings of relaxation, improved energy levels, emotional balance and more restorative sleep.

Aromatouch technique
Gentle application of quality essential oils to the back, neck, ears and feet. This specific technique and combination of oils provides a uniquely relaxing and restorative experience that lasts well beyond the hour on the table.

Choose from gentle to medium pressure relaxation massage, OR lymphatic drainage massage OR an intuitive combination including energy healing that has been said to transport the recipient to a while other dimension of relaxation and recovery!

I just had my second session with Caroline. It was absolutely calming and I did not even notice I stopped mid-sentence and went into deep relaxation. Most excellent. Thank you!

Caroline is such a delightful and caring soul. She has such a beautiful energy and delivers such amazing treatments.
“There are only two ways to live your life: as though nothing is a miracle, or as though everything is a miracle."
- Albert Einstein