Is this for children too?
Yes absolutely! The bars and reiki are amazing for easing anxiety and expanding creativity, including for children. In fact children often respond faster and more dramatically to them. (Perhaps they have less fixed points of view than us oldies?) Sessions for children usually take less time and are priced lower accordingly.
Caroline is a mother of 3 grown children, and aunt to many more. She also holds a Blue Card for Working with Children
How often should I have treatments?
That choice, my friend, is entirely up to you. How often do you and your body require a treatment? And how much change would you like to create for your body, mind and life?
Some people choose weekly, others may choose a monthly or annual ‘tune-up. I encourage you to follow your knowing and if you perceive it’s time for another, then I welcome you to check out the wellness sessions page to select from my current range of offerings.